"Competitive Advantage with D" is one of the keynotes at C++Now 2017

qznc via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Tue Apr 11 02:31:59 PDT 2017

On Tuesday, 11 April 2017 at 06:08:16 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> I will be presenting D as a time-saving tool at C++Now:
>   http://cppnow.org/
> I have to say it took me a very long time to come up with the 
> title and the abstract. How could I sell D to C++ experts? 
> Luckily, I asked Manu and among a long list of ideas he said 
> "it's about saving time" and "time is money". How can you argue 
> with that? ;)
> Do you agree or disagree that D brings competitive advantage? 
> Please let me know.

Safety (bounds checking, @safe, memory safety) is huge for 
debugging. You can probably steal a lot from Walters DConf Talk.

Compilation time, because a quick iteration of edit-compile-test 
is significant for productivity and really underrated.

C++ interop, so you can migrate from C++ to D in small steps and 
without building a C API bridge.

Little things C++ lacks because it is too old: A package manager, 
a standard string type.

Meta programming naturally, but "static if" might trail into 
discussions about concepts, so it is a little bit dangerous?

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