Netflix opensources its first D library: Vectorflow

Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at
Thu Aug 3 11:59:06 PDT 2017

On Thursday, 3 August 2017 at 14:00:31 UTC, Matt wrote:
>> Meanwhile, the blog post Laeeth gave you shows Mir doing 
>> better on matrix multiplication benchmarks than Eigen, 
>> significantly better when dealing with complex numbers.
> I mean by now we should all be jaded enough not to simply take 
> toy benchmarks as gospel for which is actually fastest in a 
> non-trivial application.

That's why I didn't make such a general claim and noted that the 
linked benchmarks only dealt with matrix multiplication. :P

> I don't doubt mir is really fast, though.

Yes, the benchmarks are indicative, but it's up to you come up 
with a benchmark that characterizes your workload better.

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