
Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Sun Aug 6 08:18:29 PDT 2017

On 2017-08-05 21:07, WebFreak001 wrote:
> Hi, I made a D to HTML generator which is basically diet, but fully
> using the D compiler as generator and not some complicated parser, etc.
> Here an example what you pass in:
> string page = html(
>      head(
>          title("wtf is this"),
>          style(
>              html(
>                  font-family = "Roboto",
>                  background = 0xEFEFEF
>              ),
>              div.content(
>                  max-width = 800.px,
>                  margin = auto_,
>                  margin-top = 32.px,
>                  box-shadow = "0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)",
>                  background = white,
>                  padding = 32.px
>              ),
>              div.footer(
>                  text-"align" = center
>              )
>          )
>      ),
>      body(
>          div.content(
>              h1("The most crappy HTML generator ever"),
>              div.teaser(
>                  p("Super fast")
>              ),
>              hr,
>              p("Reasons why you should use d_to_html:"),
>              ul(
>                  li("TODO: no reason yet") * 5
>              )
>          ),
>          div.footer(
>              p(raw!"© 2017 webfreak.org")
>          )
>      )
> ).toString;
> Which generates: https://i.webfreak.org/fStzn0.html
> Full source:
> https://gist.github.com/WebFreak001/6a1916779e48898c7ababc47a3113829
> Though some things (like min and max for example) won't work correctly,
> so you need to manually write `attr!"min" = 4` if you wanted to add that
> to an input element.
> btw this is just a joke project, it's totally abusing operator
> overloading just to show what is possible with it. The idea came up in
> Wild's discord server, you can join us too, we have a programming and a
> dplug channel: https://discordapp.com/invite/bMZk9Q4

Wow, that's pretty cool :). One downside I see is that all tags are 
currently hard coded. This won't work for XML or if using new/custom 
tags that the library doesn't know about yet.

/Jacob Carlborg

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