On Tilix and D: An Interview with Gerald Nunn

Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Fri Aug 11 05:57:10 PDT 2017

Joakim has put together a wonderful interview with Gerald Nunn, 
the maintainer of Tilix. Gerald talks about Tilix and his 
experience using D. It's a fun read that expands on the talk he 
gave at DConf this year.

With this post, I've also taken the opportunity to create a new 
site for extended blog posts at dblog-ext.info. Be sure to follow 
the editorial link in the post if you'd like to read more about 
Gerald's background.

This is something I'm maintaining on my own to host interesting 
content that I (painfully!) have to cut from blog posts to keep 
within my editorial goals. In the future, I'll sometimes be 
asking guest posters to expand on material I need to cut so I can 
fill out a page at the new site. I'll also be adding a link to it 
in the sidebar of the blog once I've got more content there.

Thanks to Joakim and Gerald for taking the time to bring us this 



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