Article: Writing Julia style multiple dispatch code in D

Jean-Louis Leroy via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at
Mon Aug 28 09:51:07 PDT 2017

On Thursday, 24 August 2017 at 23:50:21 UTC, data pulverizer 
> I find OOP-polymorphic types ultimately unsatisfying, but I 
> don't know of anyway to write, compile and load a D script with 
> new types and methods on the fly into the same session.

That is why binding membership and polymorphism together is a 
historical wrong turn. CLOS had it right but the world followed 
the Simula/Smalltalk path because of a nice metaphor (objects 
sending messages to each other).

My openmethods library allows you to add methods "from outside" 
and also supports dynamic loading: you can add new methods to 
existing classes and new classes to hierarchies that have 
methods. See the blog post that just came up.

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