GSoC 2018 - Your project ideas
Basile B.
b2.temp at
Mon Dec 11 20:15:14 UTC 2017
On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 18:20:40 UTC, Seb wrote:
> Hi all,
> Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2018 is about to start soon [1]
> [...]
> I am looking forward to hearing (1) what you think can be done
> in three months by a student and (2) will have a huge impact on
> the D ecosystem.
> Cheers,
> Seb
> [1]
> [2]
My two cents:
## Lowerer
1. I think that this project is too abstract, there's no concrete
2. Issue 5051 is mentioned but i think that many features listed
in this project are actually **already** done when the switch
"-vcg-ast" is used (scope lowering(), foreach() lowering, ...)
## Phobos: D Standard Library
- std.units: no there are user libs for that, particularly one by
klickverbot and one of its fork that is more maintained IIRC.
- std.serialization: yes, this is the idea i like the more,
although we can regret that std.xml2 would have been good to be
there as supported file format.
- std.container: skeptical, changes are announced for the
allocators, Big(O) notation was planned in another container
project that should have been made by Alexandrescu (although this
was announced something like 2 years ago already).
- std.decimal: I've seen that J.Stouffler has just started an
stdx project for this.
## DUB
There are good ideas. A proper plan is needed.
## Linux debugger
I think it's a bad idea.
1. because of the 3 months. Would it be usable despite of being
an interesting for the student ?
2. what will it do better than GDB ?
3. I.Buclaw is the official maintainer for the D support in GDB,
so why not doing something in GDB instead (yeah but what... )
So in short, i see only two good projects:
- std.serializer
The others, excepted those i find useless or unrealistic or
existing, are just "meh", but it's a personal point of view. It's
a problem of balance: it must be interesting and motivating for
the student but also useful for the community.
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