New library: open multi-methods

jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at
Wed Jul 19 09:06:39 PDT 2017

On Wednesday, 19 July 2017 at 15:56:06 UTC, Jean-Louis Leroy 
> Among other things, the mixin introduces two functions in the 
> module's scope: the function the user actually calls (the 
> "dispatcher"). E.g. it creates a times(double, Matrix) when it 
> sees a times(double, virtual!Matrix). It also declares a 
> "discriminator" function which is used to locate which method 
> the specializations (the @method funcs) relates to (it has to 
> deal with overloads - there are two "times" methods). This has 
> to be done for every module that contains method declarations 
> (virtual!) or implementations (@method). That's why it has to 
> be a string mixin (at least until we have static foreach) and 
> be called in the matrix etc modules, not in module openmethods.

I see what you mean. It only works per thread, not per module.

What you really need is some kind of module constructor.

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