DCompute is now in the master branch of LDC
Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-announce
digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Mon May 29 02:52:05 PDT 2017
On Monday, 29 May 2017 at 09:39:53 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
> On 29/05/2017 10:33 AM, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm happy to announce that the dcompute modifications to LDC
>> are now in the master branch of LDC. The dcompute extensions
>> require LLVM 3.9.1 or greater for NVPTX/CUDA and my fork[1] of
>> LLVM for SPIRV.
>> Someone (sorry I've forgotten who!) at dconf said they'd make
>> a docker image of the dependencies (ldc llvm), if you're
>> reading please let me know! Or if someone else wants to do it
>> thats good too.
>> I'm still quite busy until July (honours thesis), but if
>> anyone wanting to contribute to either the runtime stuff
>> [2](all D), LDC [3] or LLVM [1](mostly C++) I'm happy to
>> answer any questions, providing testing and performance
>> feedback on diverse systems is also appreciated. Feel free to
>> drop a line at https://gitter.im/libmir/public
>> [1]: https://github.com/thewilsonator/llvm/tree/compute
>> [2]: https://github.com/libmir/dcompute
>> [3]: https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc
> Can someone please write up a post e.g. for the D blog to act
> as the official announcement (with a quick tutorial)? That way
> we can announce it to the wider programming community.
I promised Mike a blog post at dconf, but I'd prefer this to be
done after I hand in my thesis, so that I can:
a) concentrate on it and
b) keep the ball rolling after it is announced.
I will be working for Laeeth next semester with some time
reserved for dcompute and much more time available as I'll only
be doing one (or possibly two units, with a lot of time waiting
for tanks to reach steady state). Plus I think if people start to
get familiar with the project then the efforts will be much more
coordinated once the announcement is made and therefore by
perception more attractive to potential users not already
familiar with D.
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