Re: remake of remake of Konami's Knightmare

ketmar ketmar at
Tue Nov 28 08:09:23 UTC 2017

Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) wrote:

> On 11/24/2017 08:28 PM, ketmar wrote:
>> quickfix. forgot to properly set requested OpenGL version.
> Very cool! Works under wine for me. Not a game I was familiar with, so 
> it's cool learning hands-on about more of Konami's back catalog from one 
> of the best gaming eras.

thank you! then you prolly can try this remake too:

this is Knightmare 2: a very different style, but great still great game.

p.s.: the same codebase is working with GNU/Linux too. just rdmd it, with 
the proper -I settings. tnx to iv.vfs and arsd.sdpy, the code itself 
doesn't care about underlying OS. ;-)

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