Silicon Valley D Meetup - October 26, 2017 - "D Fibers" by Ali Çehreli
Ali Çehreli
acehreli at
Sat Oct 21 18:20:13 UTC 2017
[We're at a very convenient location again this time: Downtown Mountain
D Fibers
Ali will present a shorter version of his DConf 2016 talk:
D's fibers (coroutines in other languages) are not a part of the
language but a feature implemented by the D runtime.
This talk should be fairly accessible to new programmers even without a
CS background as it will explain the function call stack as well as
context registers, concepts necessary to understand how fibers are
useful at all.
As always, bring all other D questions and comments...
Ali Çehreli has been working with C, C++, and D in Silicon Valley since
1996. He is the author of the book "Programming in D", a board member of
The D Language Foundation, and an organizer of DLang and ACCU meetup
groups in Silicon Valley.
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