goinsu - Switch user, group and execute a program - a tiny betterC program

Anton Fediushin via Digitalmars-d-announce digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com
Sat Sep 16 19:56:14 UTC 2017

Hey-hey-hey, I am so excited to announce a brand-new program I 
just wrote: goinsu!

goinsu works like a classic `su` or `sudo`, but meant to be used 
inside the Docker containers, when you just need to run a program 
as a specified user.

goinsu is a workaround for TTY and signal issues of `su` and 
`sudo`. It has been written as an example of betterC usage.

Check out project on the DUB registry: 
Ask questions in this topic or create an issue on GitHub: 
Make sure to check out reggae, an awesome build tool which is 
used to build goinsu in betterC mode: 

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