DPushBot for Discord

WebFreak001 d.forum at webfreak.org
Thu Apr 19 21:04:40 UTC 2018

On Thursday, 19 April 2018 at 20:53:40 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:
> Hi, I made a tool which periodically monitors dub for new 
> packages and a DFeed subscription for new posts and then sends 
> updates to a discord webhook.
> If you host it yourself you can put in any subscription ATOM 
> feed, so you could monitor your own projects, etc. and 
> broadcast them on your discord server.
> It would probably be very easy to port this to slack too.
> Currently this is deployed on the D Code Club (which you 
> totally should join, all the cool stuff is on there and we have 
> nearly 200 members) if you want to see it live: 
> https://discord.gg/bMZk9Q4
> (to be honest, this is just a test post to check if the DFeed 
> thing is working properly with this feed)

oops forgot the source code: 

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