Bolts 0.4 meta programming library

John Colvin john.loughran.colvin at
Thu Aug 2 08:45:33 UTC 2018

On Thursday, 2 August 2018 at 08:40:55 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
> On Thursday, 2 August 2018 at 07:47:19 UTC, aliak wrote:
>> Hi, just a release of a meta programming library 
>> ( that has utilities that I use in 
>> personal projects, and that I find in phobos, and or in the 
>> forums. A notable difference is that functions here try to 
>> operate on any compile time entities if they can be resolved.
>> I.e.:
>> int i;
>> void g0(int) {}
>> struct S { void g1(int) {} }
>> alias g2 = (int a) => a;
>> static assert(isFunctionOver!(g0, int));
>> static assert(isFunctionOver!(S.g1, 3));
>> static assert(isFunctionOver!(g2, i));
>> And there's a "doth" super template that tries to contain most 
>> things under what I feel is a nicer api ("is" was taken, so i 
>> looked to Shakespearian gibberish :p) and also allows for 
>> easier use with meta functions:
>> E.g.:
>> int *pi = null;
>> static assert( doth!3.of!int);
>> static assert(!doth!pi.nullable);
>> static assert( doth!((a, b, c, d) => a).functionOver!(int, 
>> int, int, int));
>> int i;
>> import std.meta: allSatisfy;
>> static assert(allSatisfy!(doth!int.of, 3, 4, int, i));
>> Here's an example of a gem adapted from inside the 
>> forms/phobos sources as well:
>> alias a = AliasPack!(1, 2, 3);
>> alias b = AliasPack!(4, 5, 6);
>> alias c = AliasPack!(7, 8, 9);
>> alias d = staticZip!(a, b, c);
>> static assert(d.length == 3);
>> static assert(d.Unpack[0].equals!(1, 4, 7));
>> static assert(d.Unpack[1].equals!(2, 5, 8));
>> static assert(d.Unpack[2].equals!(3, 6, 9))
>> static assert(AliasPack!(d.UnpackDeep).equals!(1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 
>> 8, 3, 6, 9));
>> Cheers,
>> - Ali
> This looks cool. Lots of things that lots of people have 
> reimplemented lots of times over the years, but all in one 
> place and documented.
> 2 points:
> 1) Are you aware of this: 
> ? I 
> think if a bunch of good motivating examples are given, making 
> this public would be possible. Then everyone would be using the 
> same one and your library would truly just be utilities.

woops, pressed send too early:

2) I don't think "doth" is synonymous with "is" how you're using 
it. "doth" is for doing, e.g.

"Methinks he doth protest too much" or "This code doth stink" is 

"Green doth a colour" or "strstr doth a function" is not OK.

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