sumtype 0.5.0

Paul Backus snarwin at
Fri Aug 10 19:19:39 UTC 2018

On Friday, 10 August 2018 at 13:11:13 UTC, Everlast wrote:
> On Friday, 10 August 2018 at 12:35:18 UTC, Everlast wrote:
>> It would be nice if some actual examples could be given. The 
>> help on dub is a bit confusing because the the code is not 
>> complete.

In addition to the example on the dub page, there are a some in 
the API docs at 
that go into more detail.

If by "not complete" you mean that they lack a `main` function, 
that's because they're defined as `unittest` blocks in the 
source. This ensures that they are always correct and up-to-date 
with the latest version of sumtype. I hope you will agree that 
having to type `void main()` and a couple braces is an acceptable 
price to pay for such quality assurance. :)

> Also, I'm curious how one can handle a collection of types with 
> match?
> Suppose I have SumType!(int, float, string)
> and I wanted a generic match on int and float. Something like
> (int | float _) => would be awesome, but that is invalid.
> [...]

You can do this with a template handler that introspects on the 
type of its argument:

(num) {
     alias T = typeof(num);
     static assert(is(T == int) || is(T == float));
     // code to handle int or float goes here

If you want nicer syntax, you can factor out the type assertions 
into a template wrapper:

SumType!(int, float, string) x;
     acceptOnly!(int, float,
     	num => writeln("number")
     (string _) => writeln("string")

Full code here:

> Also, a full algebra would be nice ;)
> alias X = SumType!(int, float, string)
> alias Y = SumType!(complex, vector)
> alias Z = SumType.Union(X,Y);
> Z is a "super type" as could have been expressed as
> alias Z = SumType!(int, float, string, complex, vector).

You can do this already with `alias Z = 
SumType!(NoDuplicates!(X.Types, Y.Types));`, using 
`std.meta.NoDuplicates`. I don't know of an equivalent template 
for getting the intersection of two type sequences, but you could 
probably cobble something together with `std.meta.Filter`.

> except, of course, Z would be typed in terms of X and Y.
> [...]

What you are describing here is, essentially, an entirely new 
type system. It's interesting as a thought experiment, but 
ultimately, D already has a type system, and I would much rather 
have SumType work with the existing system than invent its own.

(Also, what you call `ProdType` already exists. It's called 
`Tuple`, and is located in the module `std.typecons`.)

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