GDC with D frontend 2.081.2

Eugene Wissner belka at
Mon Aug 27 17:51:11 UTC 2018

On Monday, 27 August 2018 at 17:23:04 UTC, Arun Chandrasekaran 
> 1. It would be good to print the DMD frontend version with `gdc 
> --version`. It is helpful in reporting bugs. LDC does this.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be possible. GCC doesn't allow 
to change --version output:

Other compilers like gccgo print the same. It can be probably 
useful to introduce an additional frontend command line option.

> 2. I see a file dub_platform_probe-UUID.s getting created in 
> the root dir when building with GDC and not with DMD/LDC.

Partially looks like a dub bug:

But anyway it is wrong that they are created in the project 
directory; I suppose I miss some build options.

> 3. Multiple definition error. Logs: 
> This doesn't seem to be a 
> problem when building with DMD (v2.081.1) / LDC (1.9.0)
>     "dependencies" : {
>         "darg": "~>0.0.4",
>         "painlessjson": "~>1.3.5",
>         "requests": "~>0.8.3"
>     }

Have to test it first. Thanks.

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