I've just released Vasaro

Andrea Fontana nospam at example.com
Fri Dec 7 15:11:46 UTC 2018

On Friday, 7 December 2018 at 13:32:10 UTC, bauss wrote:
> This is a very impressive project and I'll follow it just to 
> see where it goes.
> I have zero to no experience with 3d printing so I can't really 
> relate much to it.

Thank you!

If you eventually start with 3d printing you'll notice that there 
are a lot of vases  to print. People loves them (for many 
reasons). However it's not that easy to model a nice (artistic) 
vase: it requires a good knowledge of 3d editors and also if you 
have some pratice with them, you can have a hard time to make 
models printable.

Vasaro let you create nice vases in just a few minutes and it 
makes a lot of users happy. :)

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