OFFTOPIC Re: I've just released Vasaro

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Sat Dec 8 17:01:07 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 8 December 2018 at 08:30:08 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
> If you don't want the macOS laptop and it is a post-2014 one, 
> I'd be interested.

The one I have is a macbook air with a broken, but usable screen 
(I got it for free yay). I don't know how old it is, I *think* it 
is a 2013 model. I know it won't take the new OS update from 
Apple, but it was able to run dmd on it last time I tried (which 
was like 9 months ago lol).

As long as dmd runs, it is potentially useful to me, just while I 
know XLib and Win32 already, I know basically nothing about obj-c 
and cocoa, and I'm not terribly motivated since I can't stand Mac 
OS as an end user either, so I don't see myself ever actually 
using this stuff.

Still, it is a feature request from time to time, and I imagine 
basic 2d drawing and input events aren't likely to change *that* 
much, so if I can get it working on this old computer I figure 
the library will probably also work on newer ones - or at least 
it will be easy for a OSX developer to send me a bugfix PR.

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