A brief survey of build tools, focused on D

Andre Pany andre at s-e-a-p.de
Mon Dec 10 18:40:06 UTC 2018

On Monday, 10 December 2018 at 18:27:48 UTC, Neia Neutuladh wrote:
> I wrote a post about language-agnostic (or, more accurately, 
> cross- language) build tools, primarily using D as an example 
> and Dub as a benchmark.
> Spoiler: dub wins in speed, simplicity, dependency management, 
> and actually working without modifying the tool's source code.
> https://blog.ikeran.org/?p=339

Pretty nice post, thanks for sharing this. Maybe it worths to 
note that dub is also able to retrieve packages from maven 

Kind regards

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