Blog post: What D got wrong

Kagamin spam at here.lot
Wed Dec 12 13:03:39 UTC 2018

On Tuesday, 11 December 2018 at 12:57:03 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
> @property is useful for setters. Now, IMHO setters are a code 
> stink anyway but sometimes they're the way to go. I have no 
> idea what it's supposed to do for getters (nor am I interested 
> in learning or retaining that information) and never slap the 
> attribute on.

Imagine you have void delegate() prop() and use the property 
without parentheses everywhere then suddenly m.prop() doesn't 
call the delegate. So it's mostly for getters and should be used 
only in edge cases, most code should be fine with optional parens.

>Template this can accomplish the same thing and is more useful 

"Everything is a template" is a spiritual successor to 
"everything is an object" hype :)

>Returning a reference
>It’s practically pointless.

Also AFAIK alias this doesn't dereference pointers automatically, 
and retaining the pointer may be not desirable.

>I think there’s a general consensus that @safe, pure and 
>immutable should be default.

I can agree there are at least 5 people holding that firm belief, 
but that's hardly a consensus.

>I’ve lost count now of how many times I’ve had to write @safe 
>@nogc pure nothrow const scope return. Really.

If immutable was default, wouldn't you still need to write const 
attribute everywhere, and @nogc, and nothrow? Strings are like 
the only relevant immutable data structure (and they are already 
immutable), everything else is inherently mutable except for use 
cases with genuine need for immutability like a shared cache of 

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