DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at gmail.com
Sun Dec 23 14:38:20 UTC 2018

On Sunday, 23 December 2018 at 14:20:08 UTC, Nicholas Wilson 
> they cannot compare (as in apples to oranges) to high-bandwidth 
> low latency personal communication with all the people that 
> have an interest (business, technical, whatever)  and technical 
> expertise in the subject at hand.

Then why don't we tweak the schedule to maximize the time spent 
on this stuff?! When pressed, everyone says their favorite part 
is what happens outside the talks... so I say we bring more of 
that inside the talk time too.

I'd be pretty happy if we just experimented with more interactive 
stuff during the talks, like I proposed in my last message. We do 
that kind of stuff at my day job in-person retreats and it is 
pretty successful. (Though I'd prefer to go further away, this 
acts as a kind of compromise position.)

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