DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

Guillaume Piolat first.last at gmail.com
Wed Dec 26 11:26:52 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, 26 December 2018 at 00:51:51 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 
> The talks are either irrelevant, trivial, or vaporware 
> (seriously, how much of the stuff described have never come to 
> pass?), and there's really no benefit in spending several days 
> of my life on that. Especially when I can watch it on youtube 
> in half the time (thanks 2x speed playback)... or less (thanks 
> skimming around to find the interesting nugget in the sea of 
> boredom).

I think this is a bit uncharitable.

Last year I had an amazing time at Dconf.
Went to bike there for 9 days (800km), to arrive the day before 
Munich was a beautiful city but Switzerland was very graphic.
Friends jokingly said it was a D pilgrimage and it was, kind of :)

The talks were honestly all interesting, probably being there 
puts you in the mood to really get into them. It's a shame not 
all of them were recorded. I remember those from Johnathan, 
Andrei and those talks on "open methods" more distinctly. Putting 
a face on people you've known from the internet is really 

My only regret was not sleeping at the hotel since you don't get 
as many occasions to meet people in a beer settings.

I was more than happy to pay the full DConf price and expenses 
for a trip I will remember all my life.

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