The Expressive C++17 Coding Challenge in D

Dukc ajieskola at
Wed Feb 14 10:40:00 UTC 2018

On Tuesday, 13 February 2018 at 23:35:36 UTC, Seb wrote:
> Someone revived the Expressive C++17 Coding Challenge thread 
> today and I thought this is an excellent opportunity to revive 
> my blog and finally write an article showing why I like D so 
> much

I first looked into C++ and Rust examples, just quickly without 
thinking them deeply. I thought that wow, the problem is probably 
more complicated than it looks. Seems to need many functions to 
solve eleganty.

Then when I saw your example I, of course, concluded that the 
problem is as simple as it seems. I would really have excepted 
C++ or at least Rust to come close to D, perhaps even achieve the 
same LoC count with a bit of luck.

Excellent article all-in-all, because it shown so many D features 
in a compact AND realistic way. I think a good D programmer might 
well write programs in that style for everyday use, not just for 
show. If someone asks "what would then be an unrealistic program 
then" it would be one that excessively uses introspection.

One improvement proposal: in the "Other features" part, you 
mention full compatibility with c. I think you should add "and 
with most of c++" because it might be a killer feature for some 
potential users.

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