[howto] Serve ddox documentation on github.io deployed by Travis CI

Bastiaan Veelo Bastiaan at Veelo.net
Wed Jan 10 08:50:37 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, 10 January 2018 at 02:59:38 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:
> Also adding the token in Travis' settings page instead in the 
> yaml makes things easier.

Yes it does make it easier. But I chose not to because of 
comments on [1] (notably by ilg-ul). I don't know if I am being 
paranoid but it's been said that GitHub tokens give access to all 
repositories and just pasting an unencrypted token in some web 
interface is a security risk. For a howto I figured the safer 
route is better.

[1] https://gist.github.com/vidavidorra/548ffbcdae99d752da02

> Maybe worthwile to add this scaffolding to dub or some other 
> tool? Anyone volunteering?

This could be a good idea. Probably even better is to let 
code.dlang.org take care of it, which would make the whole token 
issue and setup obsolete.

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