State of D 2018 Survey

psychoticRabbit meagain at
Fri Mar 2 04:07:50 UTC 2018

On Friday, 2 March 2018 at 02:35:46 UTC, Meta wrote:
> D1 -> D2 nearly killed D (can't remember which, but it was 
> either Walter or Andrei that have said this on multiple 
> occasions). A D2 -> D3 transition might generate a lot of 
> publicity if done very carefully, but more than likely it would 
> just put the nails in the coffin for good and destroy all the 
> momentum D has built up over the past 3 years (I feel like 2015 
> was a big turning point where D finally got back on peoples' 
> radars).

I've read a bit about that history, but really, sometimes you 
have to be agressive with change or just it won't come about.

And I don't see how D2 could have come about without an agressive 
push for change.

And it's unlikely that D would have died. Some people might have 
left (and probably did). But D is better because it's D2.

Imagine promoting D1 to the world!

D3 could be even better. (e.g. @safe by default..just for 

And I personally think all this ongoing integration with C and 
C++ is not ideal. It's creating a really complex beast, that has 
to be maintained indefinitely... by someone.

So I'd like to see D3 dump all the compatibility crap ;-)

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