dpldocs now has cross-package search (experimental)

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at gmail.com
Sat Mar 10 16:35:56 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 10 March 2018 at 16:03:39 UTC, Martin Tschierschke 
> Cool, and if you are in the mood of using only arsd, for 
> example find an example for a trigger on mouse request:
> http://search.dpldocs.info/search-docs.html?searchTerm=arsd+mouse


You can also search inside a particular package/version by going 
to it and using the upper right search box there.


for example will just search v2.0.0 of the arsd-official package.

and i just hit a huge module on my thing:
core.exception.OutOfMemoryError at core/exception.d(702): Memory 
allocation failed

uh oh, the search went up to 3.2 GB now. That shouldn't have 
happened - even the beefier hardware can't support all that!

So I still need to do some more optimizations before promoting 
this from "experimental" but we'll get there.

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