Why think unit tests should be in their own source code hierarchy instead of side-by-side
Anton Fediushin
fediushin.anton at yandex.ru
Thu Mar 22 17:15:55 UTC 2018
On Thursday, 22 March 2018 at 17:08:18 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> I could be wrong, but I am _quite_ sure that dub builds all
> dependencies with their test targets when you build your
> project with its test target.
I thought so too, but I just checked and it doesn't do that. I'd
better create a test repository for that, maybe I'm doing
something wrong.
> I had to add this to dub.json
> "buildTypes":
> {
> "doTests":
> {
> "buildOptions": ["unittests", "debugMode",
> "debugInfo"],
> "versions": ["dxmlTests"]
> },
> "doCov":
> {
> "buildOptions": ["unittests", "debugMode",
> "debugInfo",
> "coverage"],
> "versions": ["dxmlTests"]
> }
> }
Well, that's just ugly. And that `versions` thing looks exactly
like the one from Atila's article.
So? Am I wrong about dub? Let me investigate
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