Oh My Gentool [v0.0.1] (Yet another binding generator)

Andrea Fontana nospam at example.com
Tue Oct 23 20:32:29 UTC 2018

On Tuesday, 23 October 2018 at 20:03:42 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
> We do - it's just very far from being complete. dpp can do some 
> simple C++ and would have been able to do C-with-classes-style 
> C++ ages ago. My focus is on templates though, since for me I 
> can't see any useful C++ libraries that I'd actually want to 
> call from D that don't use templates. And sometimes it's as 
> silly as wanting to bind to an existing not-that-complicated 
> library that happens to have a std::vector in its structs. For 
> that, you need to be able to translate the standard library.

Interesting. I'm using it for many different c libraries but I 
didn't think it worked for c++  already!

The only problem I found with DPP is that simple consts declared 
with #define are not translated if not explicitly used. I think i 
can understand the reason (macro evaluation, I guess) but it 
would be useful to have a way to export them if they are simple 

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