New Initiative for Donations

Joakim dlang at
Fri Oct 26 06:19:29 UTC 2018

On Friday, 26 October 2018 at 05:47:05 UTC, Neia Neutuladh wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Oct 2018 02:38:08 +0000, Joakim wrote:
>> As with D, sometimes the new _is_ better, so perhaps you 
>> shouldn't assume old is better either.
> There's no assuming going on. Cryptocurrencies are worse than 
> credit cards for everything that normal people care about,

Such as? I already noted that they're easier and cheaper, you 
simply flatly state that "normal people" find them worse.

> and they're better than credit cards for illegal transactions.

Yes, just like cash, and have other benefits that come with cash 

> This might eventually change, and we can re-evaluate then.
> If for some reason cryptocurrencies become popular and 
> sufficiently stable to be used as currency, I have no doubt 
> that existing credit card companies will start offering 
> automatic currency exchange, so you can have an account in USD 
> and pay a vendor who accepts only Ethereum, or vice versa. As 
> such, accepting credit card payments is good enough.

I don't know what we'd be waiting for, the tokens I mentioned are 
all worth billions and widely used, particularly by techies:

Why would I wait for antiquated credit-card companies to accept 
these tokens? The whole point of these new tokens is to obsolete 
the credit card companies.

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