usable @nogc Exceptions with Mir Runtime

9il ilyayaroshenko at
Wed Oct 31 13:56:56 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, 31 October 2018 at 09:13:14 UTC, Uknown wrote:
> On Wednesday, 31 October 2018 at 08:34:08 UTC, 9il wrote:
>> The C++ format style is simpler to implement and it is much 
>> faster to run.
>> D's style came from C and Boost's format. Also, the C++ style 
>> is more low level then format strings, so they can be built on 
>> top of it.
> I think they meant why use the `<<` operator instead of the `~` 
> operator?

~ is used for string concatenation in D including string compile 
time constant concatenation.   It is better not to override it 
because both << and ~ can be used in the same expression.

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