kameloso IRC bot

Anonymouse asdf at asdf.net
Sat Feb 2 15:45:11 UTC 2019

Announcing kameloso IRC bot, 1.0.0.

It's a bot, not a parser library, though the parsing can 
technically be lifted out and reused.

On GitHub: https://github.com/zorael/kameloso, also 

There's notes to offline users, pasted URL title lookup, logs, 
automatic mode sets (e.g. +o on join), s/this/that/ substitution, 
user quotes, !seen, a basic Twitch streamer plugin. Some other 
legacy features and trivialities like the original venerable echo 
command. Ideas needed.

Absolute bare minimum required to try it:

git clone https://github.com/zorael/kameloso.git
cd kameloso
dub build
./kameloso --channels "#d,#freenode,##linuxmint"

With no other settings this will just be in client mode as a 
guest user and won't pollute the channels. (#d alone is too quiet 
to make a good example.) ./kameloso --writeconfig to set up 
further, see --help and the readme. Windows Powershell/cmd users 
may need an extra step to get terminal colours instead of \033[0m 
everywhere, see the readme.

The MVPs here are definitely UDAs, slices and mixin templates. 
There are some clever things in there that I'm really proud of, 
and some blemishes that I've learned to live with.

dscanner --sloc weighs it in at ~11k lines, excluding most tests. 
Much of it is @safe but it's not @nogc, nor -betterC. Naturally 
it tries to avoid allocating low-hanging fruit but there's 
Exceptions, associative and dynamic arrays, string 
concatenations, closures, and all kinds of convenient D things.

Parsing looks like this (automatically generated unit test): 

Plugins like this (automatically called module-level function):

@BotCommand(PrefixPolicy.prefixed, "hello")
@BotCommand(PrefixPolicy.nickname, "poke")
@Description("Sends a hello world to the current channel.")
void onCommandHello(MyPlugin plugin, const IRCEvent event)
     plugin.chan(event.channel, "Hello world!");

Because of how code.dlang.org and dub deals with versions 
(announces pre-releases but serves releases), having previously 
pulled this from there at any point up until now will have landed 
you with an ancient version. So please don't judge this by any 
previous builds.

A normal dub build takes 9 seconds with dmd on this laptop 
(Linux) and eats 4036 Mb of RAM, down from 7800+ Mb. Profiling 
does not seem to show any particular surprising hotspots anymore. 
All compilers segfault in various situations[1][2][3].

Feedback appreciated.

[1]: https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18026
[2]: https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19123
[3]: https://bugzilla.gdcproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=307

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