My Meeting C++ Keynote video is now available

JN 666total at
Mon Jan 14 10:25:28 UTC 2019

On Monday, 14 January 2019 at 05:31:27 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
> [1]

This part always feels familiar to me in D (just replace Lisp 
with D and Haskell with say Rust):

Answer: The Lisp Curse kicks in. Every second or third serious 
Lisp hacker will roll his own implementation of lazy evaluation, 
functional purity, arrows, pattern matching, type inferencing, 
and the rest. Most of these projects will be lone-wolf 
operations. Thus, they will have eighty percent of the features 
that most people need (a different eighty percent in each case). 
They will be poorly documented. They will not be portable across 
Lisp systems. Some will show great promise before being abandoned 
while the project maintainer goes off to pay his bills. Several 
will beat Haskell along this or that dimension (again, a 
different one in each case), but their acceptance will be 
hampered by flame wars on the comp.lang.lisp Usenet group.

also this one:

I saw this 10 years ago when looking for a GUI to my Lisp. No 
problem, there were 9 different offerings. The trouble was that 
none of the 9 were properly documented and none were bug free. 
Basically each person had implemented his own solution and it 
worked for him so that was fine.

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