New Fundraiser: D Forums Server

Johannes Loher johannesloher at
Tue Jan 29 22:39:05 UTC 2019

Am 29.01.19 um 01:58 schrieb Mike Parker:
> On Monday, 28 January 2019 at 20:00:53 UTC, Johannes Loher wrote:
>> I would like to donate for this, but flipcause does not seem to work
>> for me at all:
>> I tried to make the donation several times, but after entering all the
>> details and payment details and clicking on "Finish", I either got a
>> message saying something like "Sorry, your session expired.
>> Redirecting you to 'Home'" or i was simply redirected to 'Home'
>> without any message.
>> Considering the other comments in this thread, it seems like I am not
>> the only one who has issues like that. Maybe you should get in touch
>> with flipcause in order to try to resolve these issues.
> Ah, so it's happening at payment time. No wonder I couldn't reproduce
> it. I'll look into it. Did you have the same error with the Flipcause
> order form for your DConf registration before you went to PayPal?

After having problems with the donation, I did not try Flipcause for
pyaing for the DConf ticket. I directly went for PayPal instead, so I
can't really comment on that.

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