DConf 2019 Submissions and Early-Bird Discount

Ali Çehreli acehreli at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 15 17:29:53 UTC 2019

I've just registered! (Reminder: Just two more days for the early bird 
registration deadline.)

I'm a little embarrassed to say that I'm more interested in free beer 
that Mike mentioned in the recent blog. :o)


Can't wait,

On 03/11/2019 08:04 AM, Mike Parker wrote:
> The DConf 2019 submission deadline has passed. There's still time to 
> send something in if you missed it. We won't be reviewing submissions 
> until this coming weekend, so anything that comes in before then won't 
> be turned away.
> https://dconf.org/2019/index.html
> That also means the early-bird discount is ending soon. If you're 
> planning to attend, you'll save 15% on the registration fee if you 
> register by Sunday. From Monday, the regular fee goes into effect.
> https://dconf.org/2019/registration.html
> For those of you have already registered, we've still got slots 
> available for the tours on May 6 & 7. Email me at aldacron at gmail.com if 
> you want to participate.

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