D GUI Framework (responsive grid teaser)

Robert M. Münch robert.muench at saphirion.com
Fri May 24 17:04:25 UTC 2019

On 2019-05-24 10:12:10 +0000, Ola Fosheim Grøstad said:

> I guess server rendering means that you can upgrade the software 
> without touching the clients, so that you have a network protocol that 
> transfers the graphics to a simple and cheap client-display. Like, for 
> floor information in a building.

Even much simpler use-cases make sense, example: Render 3D previews of 
100.000 CAD models and keep them up to date when things change. You 
need some CLI tool to render it, but most likely you don't have OpenGL 
or a GPU on the server.

If running an app on a server and using an own front-end client instead 
of a browser these days makes sense, I'm not sure. However, all people 
have tremendous CPU power on their desks, which isn't used. So, I'm 
still favoring desktop apps, and a lot of users do it too. Be 
contrarian in this sector makes a lot of sense :-)

> You are probably right. What I find particularly annoying about GPUs is 
> that the OS vendors keep changing and deprecating the APIs. Like Apple 
> is no longer supporting OpenGL, IIRC.

Yep, way too much hassles and possibilities to break things from 
external. Can become a support hell. Better to stay on your own as much 
as possible.

> Sadly, GPU features provide a short path to (forced) obsoletion…

In the 2D realm I don't see so much gain using a GPU over using a CPU.

Robert M. Münch
smarter | better | faster

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