dud: A dub replacement

Russel Winder russel at winder.org.uk
Mon Nov 18 10:40:28 UTC 2019

On Mon, 2019-11-18 at 10:26 +0000, Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce 
> On Monday, 18 November 2019 at 09:53:56 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi 
> wrote:
> > A win-win move would be to have dud emit the other formats 
> > automatically as part of the compilation procedure, so to have 
> > always all of them present and synced on the content.
> I already regret starting about this. Instead of rooting for the 
> SDL format, I should have just recommended to deprecate the json 
> one.

I do not think you should regret starting a discussion on this.

Personally I only ever use SDL with Dub. Even contemplating using JSON for
human written configuration files is, for me, totally the wrong thing to do.

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200
41 Buckmaster Road    m: +44 7770 465 077
London SW11 1EN, UK   w: www.russel.org.uk

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