The Future of the GtkDcoding Blog

mipri mipri at
Fri Nov 22 01:33:22 UTC 2019

On Thursday, 21 November 2019 at 16:14:48 UTC, angel wrote:
> On Tuesday, 19 November 2019 at 19:37:41 UTC, Ron Tarrant wrote:
>> In 2006, I started a blog on PHP-GTK 2.x that ran for 40 posts 
>> before the blog site I was using closed its door. By then, I 
>> was caught up in writing Corkboard, the first full-featured 
>> application I'd written for my own amusement in nearly 20 
>> years, and so I just let it slip away.
> I think you should set up a "Donate" page on your site, so that 
> an occasional visitor can say thank you.

Github sponsorship is very good right now though, since Github
matches the donations, but what I'd suggest is a "Desktop
Applications in D" booklet similar to:

A 47-page book about raytracing with examples in very simple C++.
And after more blog posts you can add another book, like the
sequels to this one. A longer book like this is:

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