dud: A dub replacement

Robert Schadek rschadek at symmetryinvestments.com
Mon Nov 25 15:27:10 UTC 2019

On Monday, 25 November 2019 at 13:14:09 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 
> The biggest thing for me would be incremental compilation. As 
> well as a dub build and test 'watch' mode to avoid scanning the 
> dependencies every time.

I think there are two levels to incremental compilation (IC).

1. File level IC. Meaning, if you have one file change, you only 
all files that depend on that directly or transitively. Finally, 
you relink.

2. Symbol level IC. Meaning, the compiler becomes a daemon, and 
you track
dependency on a symbol basis.

For 1. my goal with dud is to do that. My first target is to emit 
ninja files.
So IC is going to be the default, at least at first.

For 2. dud is build as a library first, meaning should the 
become a daemon at some point, libdud can be used to pull in 
packages from
code.dlang.org and resolve dub packages dependencies.

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