Five Projects Selected for SAOC 2019

Laeeth Isharc laeeth at
Wed Sep 4 23:56:07 UTC 2019

On Tuesday, 27 August 2019 at 17:32:30 UTC, Max Haughton wrote:
> On Monday, 26 August 2019 at 18:51:54 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 
> wrote:
>> On Sunday, 25 August 2019 at 13:38:24 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
>>> The Symmetry Autumn of Code 2019 application selection 
>>> process has come to an end. This year, we've got five 
>>> projects instead of three. Congratulations to everyone who 
>>> was selected! You can read about them and their projects over 
>>> at the D Blog:
>> Sorry, I haven't been following. Don't we already have an 
>> implementation of the "Create a CI or other infrastructure for 
>> measuring D’s progress and performance" project? I just 
>> haven't been maintaining it because there hasn't been a lot of 
>> interest in it while it was being maintained.
>> Here's the original blog post:
>> I'll give it a kick and get it back online if there is 
>> interest. Seems wasteful to reimplement it from scratch, 
>> though.
> I was aware of the site when i wrote the proposal, but the idea 
> is to create the infrastructure to add more measurements too, 
> e.g. profiling the compiler or testing it under limited memory 
> (I found out how much memory my CTFE thing was using the other 
> day!). Assuming I can get it to work I'd also like to throw the 
> Linux perf system in there too,

Take a look at BPF.  Might be some work to wrap and if I recall 
right some of the C headers are a bit gnarly.  But it's pretty 

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