describe-d: an introspection library

bogdan szabobogdan3 at
Wed Apr 15 08:00:12 UTC 2020

On Tuesday, 14 April 2020 at 10:55:13 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:
> On Monday, 13 April 2020 at 12:11:03 UTC, bogdan wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I wrote this small `describe-d` library to allow me to do more 
>> readable introspection in some of my projects.
>> Any feedback is appreciated!
>> Thanks,
>> Bogdan
>> [1]
>> [2]
> cool library, looks really useful for writing big introspection 
> projects, but on the other hand also looks like this would 
> significantly increase compilation time currently. Have you 
> done any benchmarks how your methods compare (RAM, CPU time) to 
> traits? While I love the syntax and the idea, I think with 
> current CTFE and templates it would be quite a big hit to use 
> in a project.


I did not make any performance measurements. If you know how 
could I do this at compile time, it would be awesome. I think, I 
would need to watch the compiler process for this. If there is no 
other way, I'll do it like this after I will have a more concrete 

Usually templates take more time to compile that CTFE, that's why 
I intend to use less templates, or none, if is possible. I expect 
to see an increase in the compilation time, but It should not be 
exponential. I am doing this, because I work a lot with 
introspection, and some of my projects are hard to read because 
of all this mess around traits an templates.

That made me think that, I could give a few more seconds to the 
compiler to have a more readable code. I'll update my projects to 
use this library to see how the compilation performance will 


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