Introduction to programming with compile time sequences in D

Petar Petar
Tue Aug 25 14:02:33 UTC 2020

On Tuesday, 25 August 2020 at 02:11:42 UTC, data pulverizer wrote:
> I have a draft new blog article "Introduction to programming 
> with compile time sequences in D", it's on Github and I would 
> appreciate feedback before it goes live 
> Comment welcome.
> Many thanks

Nice article! I haven't had the chance to read it fully, so far 
now I have just one quick suggestion regarding removing items 
from sequences [0]. I think it would be much simpler (and likely 
more efficient) to avoid both recursion and static foreach and 
simply use slicing + concatenation. Here's an example:

template removeFromSeqAt(size_t idx, seq...)
     static if (seq.length > 0 && idx < seq.length)
     	alias removeFromSeqAt = AliasSeq!(seq[0 .. idx], seq[idx + 1 
.. $]);
         static assert (0);

You can find a full example of this here:


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