GCC 10.2.1 Released

M.M. matus at email.cz
Thu Aug 27 04:05:15 UTC 2020

On Monday, 24 August 2020 at 23:49:42 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
>> Just out of curiosity, which language version will the next 
>> GCC release have?  Currently, my version of GDC gives 
>> __VERSION__ as 2.076, which is pretty old (whereas LDC gives 
>> 2.093, basically on par with DMD).  Will the next GDC major 
>> release have a significantly-updated language version?
> Likely the deciding factor will come down to how much free time 
> I will get to do so.  There's still a few outstanding issues in 
> dmd-master and gcc middle-end that have hampered progress by a 
> few weeks.

Thank you for your work. I cross my fingers for you to have 
enough free time in the upcoming months!

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