Introduction to programming with compile time sequences in D

data pulverizer data.pulverizer at
Fri Aug 28 11:05:09 UTC 2020

On Tuesday, 25 August 2020 at 15:58:46 UTC, Petar Kirov 
[ZombineDev] wrote:
> I think your article is quite valuable is it covers many 
> aspects of template programming in D, while being quite 
> approachable as well. May I suggest contributing it in some 
> form to Contributing is as easy as 
> opening a pull request to this repo: 
> Just check the format of 
> some of the other *.md and *.yml files there and you'll figure 
> it out.
> We already have a section on templates there, but I think it's 
> way too brief and doesn't do justice to the D's extensive 
> template features. Perhaps it could be organized as a fully 
> separate section with different articles, corresponding to each 
> paragraph in your article.

Just to keep you updated, I've begun to write a fresh section on 
templates for dlang-tour quite separate from the blog article - 
something more appropriate for the website, though I'll take some 
elements of what I've already done. Once it's finished I'll do a 
pull request.


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