Our community seems to have grown, so many people are joining the Facebook group

Murilo murilomiranda92 at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 28 17:31:21 UTC 2020

In the past 2 weeks we went from 225 to 240 members in our 
group(https://www.facebook.com/groups/ProgrammingInDlang), an 
average of a person per day. First it was an average of a person 
per month or less. I wonder if someone has advertised the group 
or the world is finally embracing Dlang now.

In 2018 I didn't find a single Dlang Facebook active group, there 
were 1 or 2 very old groups with no members. So I created one and 
I've been working hard to make it official and big, it worked! At 
first I added my friends list to give it number but then, as 
people joined it, I removed all of my friends and left only 
people who joined voluntarily, there were only 150, over time it 
grew to 225 and now we are getting close to 250.

At first there was only a post per week, all posted by me, now I 
don't need to post something every week because the members are 
already doing it themselves, there is regular activity including 
posts and discussions.

I'm very happy, at first the people here did not like my idea, 
they thought a Facebook group was unnecessary, but what is the 
biggest social media in the world? Facebook! So that's is the 
best way to communicate with the world and advertise Dlang.


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