FeedSpot Recognizes the GtkDcoding Blog

sarn sarn at theartofmachinery.com
Fri Feb 7 22:00:31 UTC 2020

On Friday, 7 February 2020 at 19:51:52 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:
> On Friday, 7 February 2020 at 18:16:37 UTC, Les De Ridder wrote:
>> I'm not sure why LGPL is an issue. Does GtkD not allow dynamic 
>> linking?
> I am not an expert at all in the topic of licensing. This is my 
> understanding:
> Gtk has the license lgpl. As long as you link dynamically to 
> the shared object files, you can use it in commercial products.
> GtkD is a D wrapper for GTK. It is D source code which ease the 
> access to the C api of Gtk. GtkD has also the license lgpl. To 
> use GtkD in my application I have to statically link the D 
> source code.
> Now it gets more complicated, GtkD has some additions to the 
> lgpl rules.
> I cannot judge how high the risk is for companies to use this 
> component, but as an employee I do anything to avoid any risk 
> for the company I work for.
> Kind regards
> Andre

I prefer MPLv2 for LGPL-style liberal copyleft in D code because 
it unambiguously draws the line based on files.  No one has to 
speculate about whether, for example, LGPL's special exceptions 
for macro expansion also cover D's template system.


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