DIP 1027---String Interpolation---Format Assessment

Mike Parker aldacron at gmail.com
Mon Feb 24 10:02:26 UTC 2020

On Monday, 24 February 2020 at 08:43:57 UTC, Robert M. Münch 

> Out of curiosity, how and who makes such a decision? Is there a 
> voting? Is there a committee? Is there a structured pro/con 
> overview and highlight of blocking-points that need to be 
> resolved?

The DIP review process is outlined here:


The final decision rests with the language maintainers. Now, that 
means Walter and Atila.

> I mean, people spend a lot of time thinking, making 
> suggestions, etc. and the end result is: we now have nothing. 
> Which, IMO is the worst result for all.

Not at all. In this case, as the DIP author, Walter could have 
chosen to revise the DIP with a new implementation. He chose not 
to. He wasn't persuaded by the arguments in the thread. Anyone 
else in the community is free to submit an alternative DIP for 
the same feature. Adam Ruppe has already done so:


If that proposal and its review manage to convince Walter and 
Atila, then the feature gets in.

> As a community with highly skilled people I think there should 
> be a way to come to a good solution, not only a good enough. If 
> not, this doesn't shed light on D and the community...

The DIP process is one way to approach that. It allows everyone 
to provide feedback and influence the drafting of the DIP. That 
requires convincing the DIP author to revise the DIP and 
ultimately convincing the language maintainers to accept it. It 
means there's a high barrier for acceptance, but in my own 
opinion that's how it should be.

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