Visual D 0.51.0 - semantic engine based on dmd frontend

kinke kinke at
Mon Jan 20 13:48:38 UTC 2020

On Sunday, 19 January 2020 at 07:04:35 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
> If you switch "Item Type" of one of the D files to use the "D 
> Compiler", you can set the import path to "..\ldc" so the 
> engine can find imported files.

After figuring that one has to open the file properties via 
right-click (i.e., not available in the quick properties or 
however they are called), that worked, thx.

It doesn't get past the 'Analyzing...' stage though (in 
tooltips), no [IntelliSense] errors show up in the errors pane.

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