Visual D 1.0.0 released

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Fri Jul 10 07:32:42 UTC 2020

On Friday, 10 July 2020 at 00:39:49 UTC, Manu wrote:
> Even DMD itself is too  large a D project for Code-D to work 
> well with.

I have not used Code-D, but I am using TextMate with DCD 
integrated. It has no problem with the DMD project. But it only 
supports go-to-definition, autocomplete and showing documentation 
for symbols.

When opening a project which contains a dub.sdl/dub.json file, 
the editor reads the import paths. Then it opens a new instance 
of DCD (one per project) and passes the imports paths to it.

> Code-D often can't even go to the definition of D functions in 
> D code reliably ;)

Yeah, VisualD has a huge advantage since it's now using the DMD 
frontend for these things. For example, DCD does not support 
UFCS, which is really annoying.

/Jacob Carlborg

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