From the D Blog: A Pattern for Head-mutable Structures

Johannes Loher johannes.loher at
Fri Jun 26 11:21:18 UTC 2020

On Friday, 26 June 2020 at 09:30:47 UTC, aberba wrote:
> On Friday, 26 June 2020 at 07:35:17 UTC, JN wrote:
>> [...]
> For a while I thought it was just me but the D blog posts 
> addressing D specific nifty tricks mostly don't interest me. 
> Benchmarks, const, etc... :(. Probably it's just because of my 
> area of interest or how they're articulated.
> But stuff about a companies using D for this and that or a 
> community member sharing their thing comes out very interesting.
> I myself will be interested in doing some less technical but 
> more practical posts. Probably comparing and contrasting 
> packages, tools, community and stuff.
> I'm curious what's happening in those D meetups. Are they still 
> happening (online)?

The Munich D meetup has been quite inactive during recent times. 
The last event was on 16.07.2019, almost a year ago. To be 
honest, I think the problem is that it’s a bit difficult to find 
topics that we have presenters for and that enough people are 
interested in.

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