iopipe v0.2.0 - safe update

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Sun Jun 28 21:01:53 UTC 2020

On 6/28/20 4:26 PM, JN wrote:
> What's iopipe and what does it do? How does it compare with std.process?

Yeah, I guess I should be more specific in such announcements, sorry!

iopipe is a performance-oriented input/output library for D, which uses 
direct buffer access, and provides a similar experience to unix pipes, 
but for buffered data instead.

For example:

import; //

foreach(line; File("input.txt.gz")
    .refCounted // files are not copyable
    .bufd // buffer it
    .unzip // decompress it
    .assumeText // assume it's text (char[] instead of ubyte[])
    .byLineRange) // convert to a line-based range


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