DIP 1028 "Make @safe the Default" is dead

Johannes Loher johannes.loher at fg4f.de
Fri May 29 05:19:11 UTC 2020

Am 29.05.20 um 06:53 schrieb Walter Bright:
> The subject says it all.
> If you care about memory safety, I recommending adding `safe:` as the
> first line in all your project modules, and annotate individual
> functions otherwise as necessary. For modules with C declarations, do as
> you think best.
> For everyone else, carry on as before.

Thank you, Walter. I understand that this comes with a lot of
frustration (and maybe bitterness and resignation). But I really
appreciate your decision to respect the community's opinion. It is the
right thing to do. You have my biggest respect.

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